Friday, April 28, 2006


A 500 Pound Ballerina

I love this picture!!! The runner is a fellow that I have "met" through the blogosphere. He goes by the handle "UltraMike" although when we first "met" I believe he was "UltraClyde". His is an amazing story. He has lost roughly 70 pounds, run a marathon and now runs Ultra Marathons - races that are 50, 100 or more kilometers. The picture was taken in the recent Vancouver Sun Run. Ultra ran the 10k in this crazy suit to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. You see, Ultra and I have in common not only an interest in running but we also both have a child with Type 1 (aka. insulin-dependent or juvenile) diabetes.
I am embarassed to admit that Ultra's time for the 10k in this suit is better than my personal best for the same distance.

For his full story I encourage you to read his blog:

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