Thursday, August 03, 2006


Final Fredericton Run (for a while)

Once again I was out early (before 6 a.m.) to do my scheduled training. It was a pleasant temperature and the humidity was bearable. I ran 62 minutes at "easy run pace". I covered just under 6 miles so my pace turned out to be 10:30/mile which is a little quicker than the target (10:54 - 11:24). Still, it felt very comfortable.

The last few days there has been a large bird perched on a light standard on the north side of the Westmoreland Street bridge. Not sure what it is but I think it is some type of eagle or hawk. The thing is huge and so far it appears not to be bothered by the busy traffic or by the occassional slow moving runner like me.

As the title indicates, today was my last day to run in Freddy Beach until later in August. Tomorrow is a rest day and then on Saturday we'll be heading to the cottage in PEI for two weeks. Training there will be tougher because of the hills and the wind but it'll be good practise for NYC.

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