Sunday, August 27, 2006


Saturday LSD

Yesterday my schedule called for a 150 minute LSD at 11:00 min/mile. That meant the run would be 13-14 miles in total. Seemed short by comparison to the 220 minute LSD that I did in PEI two weekends ago.

Started out early and just as I was leaving the house a group of 4 runners passed the street corner. I commented that it was like they were here to pick me up. One of the runners called back, "You don't want to know where we're going". As I thought about that comment I wondered whether she was trying to indicate that they were headed out for a long run. Hah! Bet she wouldn't have guessed that I was going to be doing 22-23km that day!

The weather was ideal for running. Cool enough that I could see my breath at the start but after about 10 minutes, I was warm and comfortable. I ran all the way out to the end of the municipal trail system in Penniac. The route was all along the Nashwaak river which was of course lovely and peaceful.

As has become my habit, I brought a bit of $$ with me and on the return leg I stopped off at a convenience store to get a bottle of Gatorade to refill the bottle I carry with me. When I gave the clerk the $5 bill, it was all sweaty and gross. I apologized and she said "No problem - I'll just leave it here on the counter for a bit until it dries!!"

After some stretching and icing I calculated my pace and I figure I was a little quicker than the 11:00 min/mile target. Today (Sunday) I have a short recovery run and then tomorrow is a rest day which kicks off Week 12 in my training schedule with Mike.

Today marks 10 weeks to marathon day. At this very moment (10:10 F'ton time, 9:10 NYC time) we will be getting called to line up in our start corrals with the race starting at 10:10 NY time.

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