Thursday, December 14, 2006


Boston Bound

That's right dear readers ... I am being entered to run in the granddaddy of all marathons, the Boston marathon, on April 16, 2007.

Earlier this week I was offered a guaranteed entry to the marathon. In the golf/tennis worlds they refer to such things as "sponsor's exemptions". In my case it is through the title sponsor of the race, John Hancock insurance.

I was a little conflicted about accepting the offer because one must normally run a qualifying time to gain entry to Boston. Runners refer to it as "BQ-ing". For my age/gender that time is 3:30 and I am a 4:45 (now aiming for 4:15 - 4:30) marathoner. In the end though I rationalize that my taking part in the event as a "particpant" in no way diminishes the accomplishments of those who ran qualifying times. I have never and won't hold myself out as anything other than a slow runner who substitutes stubbornness for talent.

This has all happened so fast that my head is spinning. I now have 17 1/2 weeks to get ready. Thanks goodness I am starting from a solid base having just finished NYC a little over a month ago.

Hardy har har ...

BTW, nobody who qualifies gets bumped by a sponsor's exemption Collins so don't give up your dream of running Boston ...
Well Peter, you may really be nuts! (for going to Boston)

I guess all I can say is welcome to the club! (nuttines that is, not Boston Marathoners, which I am not)

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