Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Less Than 5 Weeks

Where has the time gone? I had heard that when training for Boston the time seems to slip by much faster than for other marathons. Certainly seems so to me. In only 34 days I will be at the start line.

Yesterday I got an email from the BAA - Boston Athletic Association - inviting pre-orders for the 2007 Boston Marathon jacket. Next to a finisher's medal, for most runners it is the most coveted momento of the race. I know that any time that I've seen someone wearing one at other races I've attended I've always been envious and thought to myself, "Wow, they must be a great runner to have done Boston!"
While I would LOVE to pre-order it, I think that with 5 weeks of training still to go it might be bad karma so I am going to wait until I get to the Runner's Expo in Boston and buy it there. In the meantime, here's a picture of what I covet.

Hi Pete! I'm doing the exact same thing! I'm afraid I'll jinx myself if I order the jacket too early, so I'll buy mine at the Expo too...
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