Friday, December 21, 2007


Year In Review

At this time of year it is common for various publications to prepare a "The Year's Best" lists. Here is my Top Ten 2007 Running Highlights list:

10. Seeing my 10k class participants finish the Legs for Literacy 10k in Moncton in spite of a hurricane that ripped through our region that day.

9. Helping to plan, running in and watching people finish the inaugural Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation 5k fun run in Fredericton in May.

8. Finishing the Fredericton Race Weekend 10k, hand-in-hand with my wife Jill, also in May.

7. Running the Transplant Trot 5k in April and being at the finish line to cheer for our great friend Helen MacKinnon who did her first ever 5k race.

6. Seeing my brother Bill and our buddy Mike in Wellsley near the halfway point of the Boston Marathon.

5. Doing the inaugural Run For Remembrance in November during which I ran to visit all of the war memorials in the Fredericton area.
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4. Finishing the Saint John (Half) Marathon By The Sea, hand-in-hand with the amazing Myra Rodrigues in September.

3. Finishing the PEI (Half) Marathon in Charlottetown, hand-in-hand with the amazing Myra Rodrigues in October in front of family (Jill, Steph, Chris & Caroline, Alan, Jeannie, Janice & Malcolm) and friends.

2. Running from the Varlet Farm B&B to Tyne Cot commonwealth WW1 war cemetary in Flanders, Belgium in July.


1. Finishing the Boston Marathon in April.

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