Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Feeling A Profound Loss

Last night I received a phone call from my Mom informing me that one of our closest family friends, Jackie Shouldice, had passed away. "Nannny Jackie" as she was known to my kids has been a special part of my life since the late 1960's when our family moved into a house two doors down from where she lived with her husband Ron and sons Lee, Tracy and Tyler. Over the past 40 years she has been more than just a friend and neighbour. Hers was the first place we stopped on the way home from the hospital with our newborns. She was the person who looked after our toddler when Jill first returned to work. Hers was amongst the first places that I had to get to when I was home in Ottawa on business. Jackie was a very special lady. She was thoughtful, generous, fun to be with and kind beyond description. She will be missed tremendously by Jill, Stephanie, Christopher and me.